Novell, WordPerfect and CNEPA Sponsor A Very Special Satellite Broadcast Get the latest information on WordPerfect Office 4.0 and NetWare Navigator!! Get a free copy of WordPerfect Office 4.0 !!! The CNEPA teleconference schedule features presentations by technical experts from WordPerfect and Novell. The program will be broken down into the following two segments: Wordperfect Office 4.0 (2 1/2 hours) WordPerfect will demonstrate the workgroup features of the Office 4.0 client and show installation and configuration of the administration system. WordPerfect will also present an architectural overview and describe the terms, parts and functions of the system, and conclude with an outline of the CSE (Certified System Engineer) program, including how it will affect the future direction of WordPerfect Office. Novell NetWare Navigator (2 1/2 hours) Novell will outline NetWare Navigator as tool for distributing and installing software and data across enterprise-wide networks. Learn to distribute and install business-critical applications, desktop operating systems, shrink-wrapped applications and network operating systems to servers and workstations easily and effectively. Creation of automated procedures for distributing and installing new software, updates, or pre-built packages from Novell and third-party developers across the network will also be demonstrated. DATE OF BROADCAST: 6 December 1993, 11:00 AM EST, 8:00 AM PST PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE !!! SIGN UP NOW AND SAVE MONEY! *********************************************** DEADLINE 14 NOV 29 NOV CNEPA MEMBERS $49.00 $99.00 $299.00 NOT-YET-MEMBERS $149.00 $199.00 $299.00 *********************************************** All participants will also receive a Video Satellite Workbook which includes training and support tips and an in-depth look at both WordPerfect Office 4.0 and Novell NetWare Navigator. CALL 800-333-2620 TO REGISTER This program is part of the CNEPA's ongoing commitment to meet the needs of its members, by offering training, education and product information on the latest network computing technology. All ECNEs, CNEs (current and in-process) and other computer network service professionals are encouraged to attend.